Microsoft MB-210 dumps questions

Latest MB-210 Material

Certqueen has a huge team of IT experts, who continue to use their knowledge and experience to study a lot of IT certification examination papers of past few years. Their findings of the research is now the product of Certqueen, therefore Certqueen Microsoft MB-210 dumps questions are very similar with the real exam, which can help a lot of people to realize their dreams. Certqueen can ensure you to successfully pass the exam, and you can boldly Add Certqueen Microsoft MB-210 dumps questions to your shopping cart. With Certqueen your dreams can be achieved immediately.

Latest Microsoft MB-210 dumps questions

A company uses Dynamics 365 for Sales.You need to change the description field on the quote.Which state allows you to make the change?

A. Closed

B. Active

C. Draft

D. Won

Answer: C

You are a salesperson using Dynamics 365 for Sales.You need to be able to modify the product price on an active invoice that uses current pricing.What should you do?

A. Set the Invoice Product to Override Price

B. Set an End Date for the Price List to ensure the Price List is expired

C. Set an End Date for the Price List to ensure the Price List is not expired

D. Set the Invoice Product to Use Default

Answer: A

You are a salesperson using Dynamics 365 for Sales.You need to revise an active quote.What happens to the original quote record?

A. The quote is deleted

B. The quote is converted into an order and a copy of the quote is put in draft mode for modification

C. The original quote is put in draft mode for modification

D. The quote is closed, and a copy of the quote is put in draft mode for modification

Answer: C

You create an invoice with products and services for a customer.You need to add pricing for a product that is not available in the product catalog.What should you do?

A. Add the product to the order and use Get Products

B. Add a write-in product

C. Add an existing product and change the name and price

D. Add the product to the quote and use Get Products

Answer: B

You work in a sales role for an organization that uses Dynamics 365. You are managing an opportunity for a potential customer. You need to create a quote that automatically includes all the products from the opportunity. What should you do?

A. Convert the opportunity to a quote

B. Create a new quote from the customer

C. Create a new quote from the opportunity

D. Create a new quote with the opportunity price list

Answer: A

Certqueen Microsoft MB-210 dumps questions

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certification MB-210 is a certification exam to test IT expertise and skills. If you find a job in the IT industry, many human resource managers in the interview will reference what related certification you have. If you have Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certification MB-210 certification, apparently, it can improve your competitiveness.In the era of rapid development in the IT industry, we have to look at those IT people with new eyes. They use their high-end technology to create many convenient place for us. And save Microsoft MB-210 dumps questions for the state and enterprises.

Valid and Latest Microsoft MB-210 dumps questions

In your career, at least in the IT industry, your skills and knowledge will get international recognition and acceptance. This is one of the reasons that why lot of people choose Microsoft Dynamics 365 Certification MB-210 certification exam. So this exam is increasingly being taken seriously. So this exam is increasingly being taken seriously. Certqueen Microsoft MB-210 dumps questions can help you achieve your aspirations. Certqueen training materials include not only MB-210 test which can consolidate your expertise, but also high degree of accuracy of Microsoft MB-210 dumps questions.


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