2018 Cracked VMware certification 3V0-624 exam questions pdf
Real 3V0-624 Questions
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A host has three dual-port network cards. What is the maximum number of vSwitches that can beintegrated with the physical network, assuming that network redundancy is not a requirement?
Answer: B
A validation plan is used to do which of the following? (Select all that apply.)
A.Verify the design
B.Verify that the system is functional
C.Verify that the system meets requirements
D.Meet current best practices
Answer: ABC
You are a platform designer constructing a physical design from an existing approved logicaldesign. Out of the vendor proposals, there are two proposed solutions that could be used. Which of the following options is the most important factor when making a decision?
A.Community and vendor-based best practices
B.Existing vendor relationships
C.Project requirements
D.Project budget
Answer: C
When planning on resource use for the servers, you should plan on leaving resources availablefor all the following except __________.
A. patching
B. maintenance mode
C. future growth
D. log file space
Answer: D
A number of factors determine how many physical adapters are needed in a host design. Whichof the following is not one of them?
A.Virtual machine size
B.Amount of bandwidth required
C.Security requirements
D.Hardware fault tolerance
Answer: A
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