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Update Huawei H13-621-ENU Questions and Answers
About Huawei OceanStor V3 Smart Migration LUN information exchange, which of the following description is correct? (Multiple Choice)
A. before and after the exchange of LUN information, LUN ID of source LUN remains unchanged.
B. When the exchange of LUN information, needed to discontinue the operations.
C. before and after the exchange of LUN information, data volume ID of source LUN will change.
D. after the exchange of LUN information, the host will send data read and write request to LUN ID of target LUN.
Answer: AC
What the common timing index in measure a system reliability? (Select two Answers)
A. reliability
B. efficient
C. the average of failure time
D. the average of fault-free time
Answer: C,D
When deploy N8000 system by ISM, which of the following characteristic of the management software are not used?
A. RAID, LUN, iSCSI, target device, connecting LUN creation
B. resource pool, snapshot, LUN copy deployment
C. support for the management of the basic characteristics of Symantec's SF, SFS
D. the storage network management
Answer: D
About IOMeter and Dynamo, which of the following statement is wrong?
A. when install, test Windows system, need to install IOMeter and Dynamo of Windows version
B. if test is Linux or AIX system, in addition to install IOMeter in control monitor of windows, also need to install corresponding version of Dynamo in test machine
C. run IOMeter in Windows, automatically run Dynamo with IOMeter at the same directory
D. start Dynamo, first start IOMeter main program, Stop Dynamo, as long as directly close Dynamo
Answer: D
OceanStor storage under the condition of a fan module fault, another fan module automatically improve speed, guarantee temperature can controll under single fan module, at this time also need to replace the fault fan in time.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
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