Scrum Certification PSD-I exam dumps
Scrum Certification PSD-I exam dumps From Certqueen
With this materials, all of the problems about the Scrum PSD-I will be solved. Certqueen Scrum Certification PSD-I exam dumps have wide coverage, and update speed. This is the most comprehensive training materials. With it, all the IT certifications need not fear, because you will pass the exam.Certqueen Scrum Certification PSD-I exam dumps is designed and ready by Certqueen IT experts. Its design is closely linked to today's rapidly changing IT market.
Latest Scrum Certification PSD-I exam dumps
When using Continuous Integration how often should the build be executed?
A. Before the end of the Sprint.
B. Whenever new or changed code is checked into version control.
C. Once per day.
D. Once per hour.
E. Whenever new tests are created or uncertainty arises about whether old tests will pass.
Answer: B
While developing new functionality you find a bug that has already been delivered to the customer. What do you do?
A. Revise the tests so that the bug no longer appears on the bug report.
B. Stub out the code that caused the bug so it no longer occurs.
C. Fix the bug.
D. Talk to the Product Owner.
Answer: D
Who has the final decision about the order of items in the Product Backlog?
A. The Stakeholders.
B. The Scrum Team.
C. The Product Owner.
D. The Scrum Master.
E. The Developers.
Answer: C
Which types of tests can be automated?
A. Smoke.
B. Integration.
C. Performance.
D. Functional.
E. Unit.
F. Exploratory.
Answer: A,B,C,D,E
What activities would a Product Owner typically undertake in the phase between the end of the current Sprint and the start of the next Sprint? (choose the best answer)
A. Refine the Product Backlog.
B. There are no such activities. The next Sprint starts immediately after the current Sprint.
C. Work with the Quality Assurance departments on the Increment of the current Sprint.
D. Update the project plan with Stakeholders.
Answer: B
PSD-I Dumps
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